Return to Capital Planning Committee
Live reporting by Paul Warner
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Discussion centered on major capital improvement projects for freshwater and wastewater treatment and transmission.

Paul W Warner @PauldubbWarner
Hi, I’ll be live-tweeting today's Great Lakes Water Authority Capital Planning Meeting for #DETdocumenters @media_outlier @PlanetDetroit @freep @wdet @BridgeDet313 @DETdocumenters @metrotimes @chalkbeatDET

09:01 AM Sep 13, 2022 CDT

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They are on public comment. Bill Wolfson says these meetings are not subject to the open meetings act. It looks like no one is up for public comment.
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CIP means Capital Improvement Program, it is believed.
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Dima El-Gamal says that alignment is an issue.
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Target budgets.
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This graphs shows the GLWA budget.
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Alignment project graphs.
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Alignment means the amount approved against the actual budget amount.
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Alignment means getting the boards budget to match the actual needs.
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Dima El-Gamal says the alignment is not done. The board is finalizing alignment issues. They want a draft done by early December to align budgets with needs.
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A discussion of $25 million that the GLWA came into for a wastewater project. Terms like CIP, Slushes, O and M and such are being thrown around with no definitions given.
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So what is the WRRF Rehabilitation of the Circular Primary Clarifier Scum Removal System? It's budgeted for one million for 4 years. The Pilot CSO Netting Facility needs 29 million for 10 years.
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"Not having efficient scum removal from the primary clarifiers allows an overflow of scum into the aeration deck. This allows for development of Nocardia in the secondary system that could lead to a permit violation." From the power point presentation.
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This is what "Nocardia" is.…
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Program management updates are next.
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The Great Lakes Water Authority needs to publish a dictionary of terms for their meetings. PMP, LPM and TML staff positions all need defining.
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The CIP program is done. The water operations report is next with CIP highlighted projects.
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Two new construction projects are discussed. Phase two, 14 mile transition main loop project is brought up with no power point showing, but now the PP is up.
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Here is a description of the 14 mile transmission main project.
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This system provides drinking water for Novi, Farmington Hills, West Bloomfield, Commerce, Walled Lake and Wixom. If a disruption occurs on this line residents could lose water pressure and service. This project will cost 92 million dollars plus.
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This project is scheduled to be completed by February of 2024. Here are images of some of the work.
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Transmission main images.
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A yard piping, valves and venturi meters replacement at the water works park plant is up for discussion next.
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Here is a project description as shown by power point slide.
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The WWTP is on Jefferson on the Detroit River.
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Full cost of this project, just under 50 million.
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Slides of the work.
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Work is being done on the roadway leading to the building.
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A new exit and enter and security building has been built.
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Original valves are being replaced. Pete Fromm from GLAW says this image and project shows just how big this project is. Fromm is giving the presentation, which is now done. He opens for questions.
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Only question is about COVID slowing down projects. Answer it seems is yes. Here is the meeting agends.…
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Wastewater operations capital improvement projects is up next. Chris Nastally gives this report.
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Grit collection improvement is part of the project. Grit is no good for anything in water treatment.
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Improved bar racks will help screen the grit.
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Improving grit capture and classifying grit is part of the project. The grit has to be classified.
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"Hazen converge, non-cost criteria, holobuilder platflorm?
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Holo is a three d visualization program. It shows you what improvements will look like before they are done. It informs the design.
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As much as the GLWA takes their hits after the floods last summer, it does take a lot technically to get your water to your faucet.
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Major equipment involved in the project include a Sluice (screening conveyance), a washer/compactor, vortex tank, cyclone-classifier, transfer station, HVAC spin filters and ovation DCS.
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Navid Mehram of GLWA says that due to the size of the system it can be difficult to get equipment delivered. He says it's only a handful of other water plants they can go to that can give them a idea of what it's like to operate a system of their size.
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This answers a question about if the GLWA members can go to other systems and get ideas about running their own system.
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Nastally gives a rundown of what all the new equipment will do.
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A new structural improvement project is on the table. It basically does minor up keep work to GLAW properties.
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Shots of some of the needed work. Sidewalks need to be fixed. Decks are failing.
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All three projects are run by POC.
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The Oakwood HVAC Improvement project is up next.
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This project will improve air circulation in the Oakwood plant.
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And odor control. These images show the odor control units.
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A supply fan will be installed at the facility.
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A supply fan is a fan used when fresh air needs to be replaced at a faster rate than normal, according to a google search.
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Nickie Bateson gives an economic outlook update with no powerpoint presentation.
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She says the GLAW has a bunch of projects out at different levels right now. They are at different phases.
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Need to come up with a plan to manage the projects.
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Double digit cost increases in categories. Labor market, steel, etc.
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They have a plan to make the best informed decisions on the projects.
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Good progress has been made, according to Bateson.
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No reports. Items not listed on the agenda are being discussed, but just next meeting time and housekeeping. Meeting is adjourned at 11:29 AM. Meeting chair John Zech tells everyone to get back to work.
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Here is a copy of the "accessible agenda" file:///Users/paulwarner/Downloads/Agenda%20(8).pdf
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If you have any corrections, comments or questions about this thread please contact
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Meeting adjourned at 11:29 AM. This concludes the Great Lakes Water Authority Capital Planning Committee meeting. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 10 AM. For more meeting coverage, check out