City Planning Commission

Cleveland City Planning Commission

Friday, Aug. 16, 2024
9:00 a.m. — 11:00 a.m. EDT

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601 Lakeside Ave Cleveland, OH 44114 (Directions)

Cleveland City Hall, Room 514 (or watch on YouTube)

The City Planning Commission, established in 1915, is a body of seven members; six are appointed by the mayor and one is a member of City Council. The commission is supported by a staff of professional planners and architects. The City Charter gives the commission responsibility for preparing plans to guide “development and improvement” of the city and its neighborhoods, and for reviewing all legislation and other matters that concern the “use or development of land.”

NOTE: This meeting could run as long as 3 hours, and because the commission has been holding hybrid meetings – with some people at City Hall and others joining via WebEx – you may have a better time hearing and viewing all meeting participants in person. Feel free to note in your coverage when you cannot identify who is speaking because of visual or audio difficulty. Sometimes the best designation you can give is “a commission member,” “an official,” or “a resident.”

Commission members:

  • Lillian Kuri, Chair
  • August Fluker, Vice Chair
  • Charles Slife, Ward 17 City Council member
  • Denise McCray-Scott
  • Andrew Sargeant
  • Isabella McKnight
  • Erika Anthony

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We add two hours of pay ($36) to the assignment. Be sure to bring a photo ID.

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Check the source website for additional information


Edited and summarized by the Cleveland - OH Documenters Team

Note-taking by Mildred Seward

Neighbors protest zoning change for land north of Madison Ave. between W. 100th and W. 101st

Live reporting by Nicholas Ventura

Plans for Fairfax group home approved

Nick Ventura
Hi #Cleveland, I'll be live tweeting today's Cleveland City Planning Commission today, at 9am. This board is charged w/ planning for a future where the City of Cleveland is a thriving urban community, resilient in the face of changing conditions @CLEdocumenters @signalcleveland

10:35 AM Aug 16, 2024 CDT

Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 2/18
Isabella McKnight, who's on the board, is joining virtually. Shannan Leonard is also joining virtually. The meeting officially began at 9:02am. I'm having an espresso to get ready for this meeting! There will be a lot going on!
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 3/18
1st on the agenda is ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS. Ordinance No. 791-202, this would Change the zoning use of a parcel of land north of Madison Avenue between West 100th Street and West 101st Street from Local Retail to General Retail. There's a lot of vacant buildings in the area.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 4/18
This is rezoning of a single parcel. Shown are the current history of classic retail storefronts that come up to the sidewalk. The site itself is highlighted in yellow. There is an estimated 70 million dollars going into this area. Onto public comment w/ this ordinance.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 5/18
Motion was made to change from local retail to general. Motion passes.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 6/18
Onto conditional use - group home. For 2202 E. 80th Street; Per §337.08(g) of the Cleveland codified ordinances. The presenters are Rod Reed (property owner) & Xavier Bay, staff planner. Just south of Carnegie Ave. This property is adjacent to local retail.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 7/18
Street context also shown; Motion was made and it was seconded.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 8/18
Conditional Use: For: 3368 East 113th Street. The presenters are Michael Bloom, Property Owner, Chanan Oxenhandler, Property Owner, & Xavier Bay. Area in question is highlighted in blue. Site plan that they provided is also shown.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 9/18
This building is a "unicorn" 🦄🦄of the neighborhood. The front of the building used to be a storefront. Sounds like a lot of people in the facility but it's well-spaced out.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 10/18
The board is concerned with the operations of this project. They were scheduled to represent during last meeting. The board asked if it would be more appropriate on a commercial corridor? Motion was made to approve conditional use and it was seconded. ✅✅
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 11/18
The next item on the agenda is NORTHEAST DESIGN REVIEW, 1st here is NE2024-009 – Office Building New Construction: Seeking Final Approval. The Project Representative is Michael Tomsik, Architect. This a representation. Some of the changes include fencing & changes to the roof.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 12/18
Motion was made to approve the office building with the construction &it was seconded. Motion carries The next item on the agenda is FAR WEST DESIGN REVIEW. 1st item here is FW2024-009 – Auto Express USA Signage: Seeking Final Approval. The project representative is Michael Gezze
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 13/18
The business in question owns all 3 of these parcels. A move was made for the approval. Motion carries. There's one mandatory referral. Ordinance 827-2024. city owned land at NW Corner of Delora Ave/ Fulton Rd. Highlighted is the parcel adjacent to it. Motion was made to approve
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 14/18
Motion was made to approve. Administrative approvals. Next up on the agenda is ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS. We have three items here, which are Ordinance No. 795-2024, Ordinance No. 796-2024, & Ordinance No. 797-2024. Motion was made to approve all 3 of these, as they have heard
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 15/18
Motion passes. Lastly on the agenda is FAR WEST DESIGN REVIEW NEW MEMBER NOMINATION, which is Carrie Stary of the the Bruce Longhino Group. Nate Lull is speaking for Carrie, and she's excited to use her background in design. Motion carries.
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 16/18
Director's report and notable updates were next. Thanks were given to Gus Frangos. The board noted of his legacy and is building new housing in Cleveland. Staffing updates were also given. Adjournment
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 17/18
The meeting concluded at 11:33am. Have questions? Think we got something wrong? Send any inquiries on the meeting or these tweets to @cledocumenters. Or email us at
Nick Ventura @Nick_Ventura11 18/18
Meeting adjourned at [time of day]. This concludes the City Planning Commission meeting. For more meeting coverage, check out . The Cleveland Planning Commission meets on the first and third Fridays of the month at 9 AM

Agency Information

Cleveland City Planning Commission

See meeting notes for details

See Documenters reporting

The City Planning Commission, established in 1915, is a body of seven members, six are appointed by the Mayor and one is a member of City Council. The Commission is supported by a staff of professional planners and architects. The City Charter gives the Commission responsibility for preparing plans to guide “development and improvement” of the City and its neighborhoods, and for reviewing all legislation and other matters that concern the “use or development of land.”

Find meetings live streamed here:

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