Commission on Chicago Landmarks + Permit Review Committee

Commission on Chicago Landmarks

Thursday, Aug. 4, 2022
12:45 p.m. — 2:45 p.m. CDT

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This is a remote assignment to document the Chicago Commission on Landmarks and the subsequent Permit Review Committee meeting, if held. The meeting will be live-streamed via Vimeo at

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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team

Note-taking by Natalie Frank

Edgewater's Epworth Church landmark designation, Funds for East Side Schlitz Tied-House repairs

Live reporting by Jessica Eanes

Edgewater's Epworth Church landmark designation, Funds for East Side Schlitz Tied-House repairs

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Chair Wong has called us to order and completed roll call. All commissioners are present and we have quorum. We’re moving on to public comment.

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Rep from Preservation Chicago is speaking to support landmark designation of Epworth United Methodist Church. Cites the architectural style and service to the community as reasons to support designation. Asks for site lines and grassy areas to be protected as well

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A different rep from Preservation Chicago is speaking to support an Adopt a Landmark request for Schlitz Tied House. Property has already been revitalized since landmarking. Also calls attention to St. George’s Refectory and St. Michael’s, both nearby.

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Member of the public going off agenda: preservation of Shrine of Christ the King. Church’s primary function of Latin masses as been discontinued. As a non-Catholic who wants to prevent vacant lots in Woodlawn & preserve historic property, considers this important.

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Back to Schlitz, from Preservation Futures, sharing info about intricacies of the AAL Program. Work is happening to reopen property as a working tavern. Need funds from program because bureaucracy has prevented them from taking advantage of landmark programs and increased costs

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Jumping back up to Epworth, comment from Edgewater Historical Society, “We’re a community rich in churches but there’s nothing quite like Epworth.” Hopes conversations around adaptive reuse will lead to something that satisfies the whole community.

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Managing Director of Save the Shrine also speaking about Shrine of Christ the King item. Cites work done since 2016 fire & money community gave for that, in conjunction with recent announcement of no more services there, as reasons to preserve. Wants transparency from Archdiocese

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End of public comment. Chair Wong asks that future comments sessions are better organized. Expresses desire to look into permitting issues raised around Schlitz Tied House.

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Starting on the agenda: Approval of minutes from previous meeting. Moved, seconded and approved.

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Next item: Report on Epworth Church presented by Commissioner Cox.

Department of Planning and Development finds that the property meets city’s plans for area and is consistent with area. “Architecturally the church is, if not unique, at least rare in Chicago.”

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Church is three blocks from Broadway, a mixed use corridor where DPD is collaborating with 48th ward and others on Broadway Vision program.

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This church appears to meet goals for landmark designation, including sustainability and architectural merit.

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Commission moves and approves to accept the report and move forward with the landmark designation for Epworth Church.

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Moving on to the next item, the Adopt a Landmark Fund application from Schlitz Brewery Tied House.

Request is for ~$243k after finishing development of budget and scope for their project. They’ve already put in considerable other funds for work including joists.

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There’s a presentation of the expected work to be done. This shows the parapet work in the scope.

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This is for the window work. 14 windows will be installed on the second floor.

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Breakdown of the budget and requirements for grantee funds laid out.

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Chair Wong invites architect or owner to make a statement.

Medina (owner) speaks: “It’s been quite a whirlwind, to say the least.”

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He goes on to talk about how there needs to be grappling across country with how it might cost significantly more to preserve and repair landmark buildings than what they’re worth when they aren’t in downtown areas.

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Chair Wong asking question about parapet repair: It looks like previous repair was done with Chicago common brick, wants to know if they can find the same brick.

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Answered by owner rep that they’ve had success matching brick in other buildings and it is their intent to match the brick.

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Chair Wong now asking about roof, querying a plan for a complete tear out.

Answered that yes, that is the plan, roof is beyond service life, doesn’t meet energy standards, has caused issues.

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Rep from Alder speaking up to say she’s a strong supporter and the work done so far is great. Wants additional use in the neighborhood in TV and movies as well as tourism.

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Motion to approve the grant carries.

Moving on to the last agenda item, permit review committee reports.

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Per Emily Barton: Staff reviewed 186 applications in July.

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Motion to adjourn approved and the meeting adjourned at 1:33pm.

This concludes my coverage of today’s meeting of the Commission on Chicago Landmarks + Permit Review Committee. The next meeting is scheduled on Sept 8. For more meeting coverage, check out

Agency Information

Commission on Chicago Landmarks

The Commission on Chicago Landmarks is responsible for recommending buildings, structures, sites and districts for legal protection as official Chicago landmarks. Staffed by the Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Planning and Development (DPD), the commission is also responsible for reviewing proposed alterations to existing landmarks and districts, as well as proposed demolitions of structures considered to be historically or architecturally significant.

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