Plan Commission
Chicago Plan CommissionChicago, IL 60602 (Directions)
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Edited and summarized by the Chicago - IL Documenters Team
Former Michael Reese Hospital site development, The Fields, Riis Park school, Fulton Market Innovation District
Former Michael Reese Hospital site development, The Fields, Riis Park school, Fulton Market Innovation District
09:39 AM Feb 18, 2021 CST
legal precedent for public schools to be built in Chicago's parks." That being said - they plan to put forth effort to make it more difficult to do so in the future.
Agency Information
Chicago Plan Commission
The Chicago Plan Commission is responsible for the review of proposals that involve Planned Developments (PDs), the Lakefront Protection Ordinance, Planned Manufacturing Districts (PMDs), Industrial Corridors and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Districts. It also reviews proposed sales and acquisitions of public land as well as certain long-range community plans.